Read on for words of wisdom from Thunderbolt’s MD, advertising guru, and expert in web design in Surrey, Saybhan Delilkhan…

When I started in the late 90’s, there was no online marketing or web design in Surrey to help get your business noticed. Instead, advertising channels consisted of newspapers, radio, TV, and the Yellow Pages (where I got my grounding in advertising). As field sales reps, we would have to see a number of clients in different sectors. Adverts were in print and in a Yellow Directory for 12 months.

When creating advertisements, some of the things we were told to do included keeping it concise, keeping space around the advert image, using bullet points, and following the acronym AIDA. Though the methods of advertising your business have moved on with the digital world, this methodology still stands true today, and can be applied to online marketing and web design in Surrey. 

How to Create a Better Advert Using the AIDA Model

Creating an effective advertisement using Adobe Creative Suite or Canva involves capturing your audience’s attention and driving them to take action. One of the most successful frameworks for achieving this is the AIDA model, which stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action. Here’s how to use AIDA to craft compelling ads that convert.


The first step is to grab your audience’s attention. You can achieve this by:

  • Using Striking Visuals: Feature bold images or videos that stand out can capture the viewer’s eye immediately.
  • Crafting a Powerful Headline: Your headline should be intriguing and concise, hinting at the benefits of your product or service.
  • Incorporating Bright Colours: Colours like red and orange can evoke excitement and urgency, drawing the viewer in.
  • Taking Mobile Users into Account: These days, always create a design with the mobile user first.


Once you have their attention, it’s crucial to maintain their interest, by:

  • Engaging with Relevant Content: Provide information that resonates with your target audience. Use relatable scenarios or address common pain points.
  • Telling a Story: People are naturally drawn to stories. Share a narrative that highlights how your product solves a problem or improves their life.
  • Using Engaging Formats: Consider interactive content, like quizzes or polls, to keep your audience involved.


Building desire involves persuading your audience that they want or need your product.

  • Highlight Benefits Over Features: Instead of listing features, focus on how those features benefit the user. How will your product make their life better?
  • Use Testimonials and Reviews: Social proof can significantly boost desire. Showcase customer reviews and success stories.
  • Create Urgency: Limited-time offers or exclusive deals can motivate potential customers to act quickly.


The final step is to encourage your audience to take action.

  • Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Use strong, directive language like “Buy Now,” “Sign Up Today,” or “Learn More.”
  • Make It Easy: Ensure the process to complete the desired action is straightforward and user-friendly.
  • Offer Incentives: Consider offering discounts or bonuses for immediate action, further motivating your audience to engage.

Want More Expert Advice? Contact Thunderbolt for Help with Web Design in Surrey

Using the AIDA model in your advertising strategy can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your campaigns. By systematically capturing attention, building interest, stoking desire, and driving action, you can create ads that not only attract but also convert. Remember to continuously test and refine your approach based on audience feedback and performance metrics to optimise results.

Advertising these days through websites and social media ads hasn’t changed has much as people think; the channels may have changed, but we are still selling to people and need to motivate customers with calls to action. Thunderbolt Digital is a full service digital agency that specialises in marketing and web design in Surrey. Contact us to learn more about our services and take the first step towards digital success.