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Three Common Website Design Mistakes You Could Be Making

A woman working on web design at an online marketing company in Surrey

A lot of people will develop their first impression on your business by your website. Thunderbolt are an online marketing company in Surrey, so we know all about web design and how it can affect audiences. So why not have a look and see if there are some changes you should be making to your website.

You’re Using Poor Quality Media

Images are a big part of making a website that will keep your viewer’s attention. They could either give a really good or really bad feel about your website. If your images are of a bad quality, audiences might think your company doesn’t care about details.

You’re Writing Too Much

Busy people don’t have the time to spend filtering through pages and pages of information, so try and keep their attention. Make sure you’ve included all the necessary information, but get to your point and get to it fast. If someone is searching for an online marketing company in Surrey and is being given a lot of irrelevant information, they’ll probably look elsewhere.

Your Call To Action is Unclear

A very important part of every website is a call to action. This is how customers are going to ask you any questions or get in touch with you for business. Make your information easily accessible and easy to read. It is also vital that all of your information is up to date and on every page, ensuring an ease of access.

Are you making any of these common mistakes? Would you like some help with web design? Thunderbolt are an award winning online marketing company in Surrey with web design pros that are happy to help. So if you’d like a hand, give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at so we can get started.