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It’s Officially 2022, What Is Next For Your Marketing?

Surrey Marketing Agency

It is now 2022, and whilst it may seem like you have the whole year to get your marketing going, the best time truly is now. January is always a busy time for businesses, with the majority planning their marketing strategy for the year ahead. 2021 was a strange year for all of us, and many businesses were tested in regards to their marketing and advertising due to the strange circumstances. Our Surrey marketing agency helped a lot of businesses to navigate these tricky times, and now we are looking forward to a fresh new year with a whole lot of new opportunities. However, with all the uncertainty and ups and downs, you may be a bit confused on exactly what to do next with your marketing, so here is a quick guide;


Review How 2021 Went For Your Business


Before you can make any hasty decisions on what to do next, you should review how all your marketing endeavours turned out last year. What worked well for you? If certain ads or SEO practices are bringing in a return on investment for you, don’t feel like you have to discard these and start afresh. Transfer over the parts of your campaign that are working well, and simply phase out the parts that are not. If you feel as though there are areas that can be improved upon, consider the necessary steps that need to be taken in order to achieve this. 


Redefine Who You Are Marketing To


Even if you already have a defined target audience, it is a good idea to take a fresh look each year.  Your audience may have changed, and the direction your business is intending to head in may have. As your business grows it will inevitably change in slight ways that can alter your demographic. This can be a good thing, as it allows expansion and opens up new opportunities for your business. 


Make sure that you are paying attention to customer journeys. Review how your customers are finding you, what they are responding to and interacting with, what they are looking for. Create personas for your types of customers. This will help you to step into the shoes of these consumers and understand their thought process. Especially as they browse the internet and look to purchase products and services. 


Set SMART Goals And KPI’s


Rather than setting broad goals like ‘I want to bring in more revenue’, be more specific. Using the SMART template will help you truly define what you wish to achieve and how you will do this. SMART stands for;


  • Specific 
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Timely


You can also set KPI’s, aka key performance indicators, to track your progress throughout the year.


For more tips on creating a marketing strategy as we move out of the pandemic, check out our Surrey marketing agency’s blog here.


Get In Contact – Surrey Marketing Agency


Want help getting started with your marketing plan for 2022? Our Surrey marketing agency would be happy to help.


Our in-house team can help with any of your marketing endeavours, so if you are interested in working with us or have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For more information give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at – we are always happy to help.