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Creating A Social Media Strategy – The Ins And Outs

Creating a detailed social media strategy means all the difference when it comes to the success of your campaign. There are several steps that go into creating a social media strategy, and lots of elements that contribute. As a Surrey marketing agency, we know the ins and outs of creating a strong media strategy. Here is a little insight into the process of creating a successful social media strategy;
Decide What Platforms You Are Going to Utilise
What platforms are the best for marketing? This is a subjective question, and you are likely to hear plenty of different answers, yet the only person who can truly answer this question is you. Each business will have different marketing needs that different platforms can satisfy, so it is important to review the benefits of each platform respectively.
Unpack what your media goals are; do you want to convert more leads? Gain exposure? Drive up your enquiries? Once you know what specifically you are trying to achieve, the easier it’ll be to see which platforms will suit you best.
For more information on choosing a platform, read the blog here.
Decide On A Budget – And Stick To It
Every strategy needs a budget, or else you run the risk of racking up a ton of costs that can quickly get out of hand. Calculate what you can reasonably return on; it needs to be beneficial for your business. There is no point increasing spending if it does not serve a purpose, or gain your business something in return. Each platform will have different costs involved, so make sure you do your platform research prior to setting your budget, so you have an understanding of what is reasonable.
Get Your Message Right
Off the bat, you need to be thinking of fine tuning your brand message, all whilst recognising who your target audience is to receive this. Take time before you launch your campaign to get to know what makes your brand different from others, and how you can portray this through branding and copy elements. We offer branding workshops here at Thunderbolt to help businesses be in the strongest position possible when starting their marketing campaigns. For more on the benefits of branding workshops, see how our Surrey marketing agency helped Virtigon step up a level
Get Planning In Advance
One of the most vital parts of a strategy is planning in advance. Planning ahead of time will allow you flexibility. This means you can change parts of your social media strategy and review it before anything is actioned. Creating a strong social calendar with costs and details for your various platforms will allow you to have a birds eye view of what is taking place. It will also give you the flexibility to switch things around without the stress of being unorganised or rushed.
Get In Contact – Surrey Marketing Agency
As a Surrey marketing agency, our in-house team can help with your marketing endeavours. If you are interested in working with us or have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For more information give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at – we are always happy to help.