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Do Google Reviews Help With SEO? Yes, They Do

Thunderbolt Digital have an expert team that specialise in SEO in Surrey. We do this day in, day out, so we know just what tips and tricks to use when it comes to Search Engine Optimisation! There are lots of little things we can do, which all add up to improve your organic rankings, and one of them is Google reviews. So, do they really help with SEO?
The simple answer is yes. Google Reviews will actually help your organic search rankings! We all know that there are many combinations and techniques that marketers must use to achieve optimum SEO performance, but online reviews will tell Google that your business is trustworthy within its community.
It’s becoming harder than ever for small businesses to compete with the big fish on the Internet, so monitoring and replying to online reviews is a simple way to show trustworthiness. It also shows you care about your customers opinions – even a simple ‘thank you’ for a positive review goes a long way!
A Google My Business listing is one of the best things you can do for your business. It’s free to set up and it’s now vital to help with local search. If you need help setting this up, get in touch with our expert SEO team.
There actually a few very simple reasons why Google reviews really do help your rankings.
Great reviews means more clicks
It’s quite simple – customers trust reviews. Reviews are the assurance that people need that the decision they’re making is the right one. Reading positive reviews might be the final push they need to make an enquiry.
Let’s say you’re searching for “SEO company in Surrey”, and one business appears with hundreds of 5-star reviews, whilst another appears with no reviews at all, which are you more likely to click on?
A high number of click-throughs has always been one of the most common techniques to impact SEO rankings. So, a high number of clicks and a steady flow of admiring reviews is a winning combination for SEO!
Google is a massive bookworm
Basically, Google likes to read. The more content there is related to your business, means there’s more for Google to read, and the more it will know about your business. Every time you get a new review on Google My Business, Google has lots of fresh content to crawl through and more information to add to its understanding of your business.