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Thunderbolt Partners With The Children’s Business Fair 

When Waverley Borough Council’s Economic Growth Officer contacted our MD, Saybhan, a few months ago to introduce us to the founder of the Children’s Business Fair, Sam Rogerson, our Surrey marketing agency naturally were excited to hear about Sam’s business proposition.


What Is The Children’s Business Fair?


The Children’s Business Fair is an event in which 7-17 year old entrepreneurs can bring their business to life by running their own stall. This is a full turnkey course including branding, design and learning what could have been done better, so that they can go to market with their product.


Thunderbolt felt passionate about Sam’s cause, and like ourselves, we thought that other companies would support the message that CBF holds. Within the space of 30 minutes, we had contacted three local businesses, that are Thunderbolt’s clients, to sponsor the fair. We even came along to judge the budding businesses at the Farnham Maltings, and met those behind the innovative event.


Upon stepping into the bustling courtyard, the judges took in the colourful stalls in each direction, all lined with any goods imaginable. The entrepreneurs behind this? The children.


The turn out was incredible, all stalls were fully equipped and functioning, and the children diligently answered questions from the judges as they were evaluated thoroughly on their business set up and strategy.


The Result


A few hours of judging, chatting and trying goods later, the judges retreated to make the all important decision; who was going to be taking home prizes? After careful consideration, the judges reached their conclusion, and all were gathered to the courtyard, waiting with bated breath as Sam began the presentation and the judges handed out their feedback and awards.


We had a wonderful time, and we fully encourage the public and local businesses to attend or sponsor the next events, giving opportunities to the future generation of business owners. Thank you again to Sam for letting us get involved, maybe one day we will even see this event become widespread over the country, who knows what the future holds … 


Get In Contact – Surrey Marketing Agency


Our in-house team can help with any of your marketing endeavours, so if you are interested in working with us or have any enquiries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. For more information give us a call on 01252 413 757 or email us at – we are always happy to help.