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Digital Agency Top Tips: Social Media Automation Versus Interaction – What Is The Secret To Twitter Success?


Here at Thunderbolt Digital we know just how important the social media platform twitter can be to help with your road to success, so to give that little bit extra here are some tips for Twitter success:

Best practice

  • Follow people whose updates you genuinely want to see.
  • Learn to use the List feature and create interest-specific lists.
  • Use a combination of scheduling and analytics tools with a good dose of genuine human interaction.

Do Not

  • Use Twitter as an announcement tool
  • Auto-follow or auto Direct Message
  • Link your Facebook and Twitter account. As clever as this seems at first, people get tired of having the same content on both channels.
  • Follow people purely to get them to follow you back; then unfollow them. This is frowned upon by Twitter itself and for a good reason


  • Follow accounts whose updates you genuinely want to see and who are relevant to your type of business
  • Check your interactions daily
  • Thank people for re-tweeting your content (this may not scale up to very successful accounts but until you get more than a few re-tweets, this is a good rule of thumb for being polite and liked on Twitter)
  • Use Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule posts at times when you can’t be there
  • Post as much unique content leading to your website as you can afford to create (blog posts, videos, case studies…) and schedule it in-between other updates so that you keep the balance of talking about yourself and talking about other topics right
  • Post photos and graphics directly to Twitter – they fill up the gallery on your profile page and lead to a higher degree of interaction than content people have to click away to view
  • Learn to use #hashtags – they are key to breaking out of your own network and being able to participate in conversations about the relevant topic even with people who don’t already follow you. Each hashtag represents a conversation and if you think your message fits in with a discussion about #webdesign or #graphicdesign or #business for example, then add a couple to your Tweet. It’s a really powerful tool and it’s worth learning how to harness it correctly. To understand its power, just click on one of the trending hashtags to see the conversation millions of people are having about the topic.


Our approach at Thunderbolt Digital is to teach small to medium business owners how to bring social media use in-house after we give you a helping hand to get started. For help with your content marketing, social media strategy, web design and Search Engine Optimisation, give us a call on 01252 413757. We are a full-service digital agency based in Surrey, specialising in web design and online marketing. We love to help local businesses thrive so get in touch!