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Why Marketing Is More Important Than Ever In An Economic Downturn
A third lockdown has hit us all hard. But the economic repercussions of this have yet to take hold. It can often be the case that when businesses struggle, marketing is the first thing to go! This mindset has led to many businesses failing due to lack of incoming revenue; they forget that marketing is bringing in most of the traffic! A digital agency in Surrey like us has seen the effect an economic downturn can have and we want to help you stop it in its tracks.
People don’t stop buying!
One thing to remember is that, despite economic distress, a country doesn’t just stop purchasing everything. We may become somewhat more sensible in terms of not buying anything ludicrously expensive. However, our society has an achilles heel of wanting to treat ourselves. Just something little every now and then, and this can be your product! Using marketing to your advantage means that when your target audience is scrolling the web for their little reward, your product is what they find.
Luxury or necessity?
Our country has a habit of surprising us in situations like these. Economists will always tell you that we revert back to only necessity buying, but this isn’t always the case. A luxury item is something that not everyone can live without; and it’s not luxury in the sense of paying £200 for a top, we mean BRANDS. Think of it this way, you buy colgate toothpaste, not because it cleans any better than any other toothpaste, but because of the brand. If you have become accustomed to buying this brand, you are much less likely to deviate from it if you are trying to save money. This is because you now view the luxury item as a necessity rather than just toothpaste. It works the same way with your products, if you build your brand loyalty, your customers won’t want to deviate.
Social Media doesn’t sleep
The world of social media has exploded in the last decade. Social media influencers and trend setters have changed the way we market. The general public often follow what the celebrities and influencers do when it comes to what we buy. Using influencers and social media means that you are always reaching out to your audience and building brand awareness and trust. Without marketing in this way, your audience will find different products instead of yours, meaning you’re losing revenue that could help you break even in tough times.
Contact us – Digital Agency Surrey
Thunderbolt Digital is an award-winning digital marketing agency in Surrey that specialises in web design. We’re only a phone call away from improving your web design or online marketing campaign! Get in touch today by calling 01252 413757 or email – we can’t wait to hear from you.