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Do You Know All of Facebook’s Secrets?

Keyboard with Facebook and Messenger | Thunderbolt Digital

Here at Thunderbolt Digital, one of our priorities as a digital agency is social media marketing Surrey. Facebook is an excellent tool to gain brand awareness and push traffic to your website, but do you know all of it’s secrets? We’ve compiled a list of our favourite features Facebook has kept quiet away.

Everybody at some point has played a Facebook game, whether it be Farmville or Happy Aquarium, but did you know about the hidden chess game? For those of us who don’t want to spend our time spamming our Facebook friends for an in-game bonus, Facebook has hidden a chess game in Messenger.

To start a game, simply type “@fbchess play” on Messenger to the person you want to play against, then use a list of commands to move your pieces. The commands are very simple (for instance to move a pawn to D3, simple type ‘@fbchess Pd3’), but if extra tips are required, then further advice can be found if you type ‘@fbchess help’. It’s a great little secret and, from a social media marketing Surrey viewpoint, an excellent way to keep people on Facebook!

Other similar secrets are the games of basketball and football available to play within the messaging app. They are solo games, however, when played a score is set for the other participant to compete with. They are undoubtedly addictive, and yet another way Facebook keeps its users engaged.

Leaving a Facebook account open on someone else’s computer is a mistake most of us have made (with some pretty embarrassing consequences!). But did you know there is a way to logout remotely? It does, however, require opening Facebook’s interface, so for those of us lacking confidence with technology, it’s probably best to ask for help.

If, despite the abundance of games, Facebook is still too boring for you, why not change the language? While you may not be able to speak Mandarin or Japanese, changing the language to pirate or upside down English might brighten your day – or be a fun trick to play on your colleagues!

Thunderbolt Digital is a web design and social media marketing Surrey company that love to keep you informed about social media and how it works. To learn more about social media marketing Surrey or if you have any questions about what else we do, give us a call on 01252 413 757, or email our friendly team at