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Thunderbolt Logo Design Tips

Design page | Thunderbolt Digital Web Design Surrey

Here at Thunderbolt Digital Web Design Surrey, we provide a number of personalised services. As a digital agency, we thought we’d offer you some do’s and don’t of logo design…

there are a few common mistakes that people tend to make when attempting to design their logos.
These are:

  • Having too simple design
  • Having too complex design
  • Having a design that doesn’t print well

Simple logo designs can be memorable but in the modern age, designs are increasingly becoming more and more unique. It’s always good to come up with a good contemporary design to catch your audience’s eye however you must find a good balance. Anything to abstract could get too out of hand and something too simple can be boring. Find your perfect balance.

There are some sites that offer free or cheap rates for logo or web design but you pay for what you get and the more expensive option will be better in the long run. You will want the best quality you can get, although you may not think so the design of your logo is highly important and bad quality could be detrimental to your brand.

Finally it is important to have an eye-catching design, however, do not overdo it on fonts, colours or filters. These are all great aspects to add to your design but going over the top could overwhelm the design and potentially ruin it in the process. If you’re going to be using a multitude of fonts, colours or filters then do so smartly and keep the design smart and tidy.

Thunderbolt Digital is a web design Surrey agency, that offers a number of services to help your brand. To find out more about our web design services contact us at 01252 413 757 or for any questions or enquiries.